You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2010.

A pet peeve of mine (ok, so I have a few!) is when people can’t take a moment out of their 24 hours … 1,440 minutes … 86,400 seconds … in any given day to say thank you!

I see it everywhere! At the grocery store or Wal-Mart, the gas station, or in traffic when someone is nice enough to let them in the line of cars. What happened? I’m sure everyone’s parents taught them to say those 2 little words (well, maybe not! … but they should have!).

I know…I know…we’re all busy in this crazy, hectic world! But seriously … how much time does it take? It certainly doesn’t take more than 2 seconds to say it, or 4 or 5 seconds to write it.

While a hand-written note is the sincerest form of gratitude, we all use e-mail! I’m not going to sit down and figure out how many key strokes it takes to open a blank email and type thank you for whatever … you all get my point. 

I’ve made a point to keep blank note cards in my desk at work and in my tote bag that I carry most everywhere. Even in our crazy, hectic lives we all have “down times.” We wait in the doctor’s office, we wait for a ballgame to start, we wait for a movie to start … see where I’m going here?

I’m not even talking about thanking someone for a gift … that goes without being said! I’m talking about the little things in life that so many people do for us that go unnoticed … or at least they might think they go unnoticed because we don’t acknowledge them. Someone might give you a good piece of advice, covers a meeting for you, gave you a reference, etc. Make a point to thank someone for just being there with a smile on their face and a shoulder when you’re having a rough day! People may say it’s not necessary, but everyone appreciates being appreciated!

At the end of the day, we all have a multitude of blessings if we just stop to think about them. I challenge each of my readers (ok … so that might be very few!) to thank someone at least once a day for a week! That’s 7! I would love to hear what the experience has done for you. At the least, it should make you feel wonderful!

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